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Coast2Coast Basketball LLC Statement Regarding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic


Coast2Coast recognizes the profound and tragic impact this health crisis has had around the globe. We empathize with those who have lost loved ones or suffered with the virus. We strongly encourage everyone to follow directives and guidelines being offered by public health officials to contain and mitigate the outbreak.

Plans for the Camps This Summer:

On March 13 Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House expert on COVID-19, estimated it would take around eight weeks for the daily life of Americans to return to normal. That would mean sometime around mid-May.

We are patiently and carefully following developments placing the health and safety of all concerned as our highest priority.

Given the best information available, we fully expect to be conducting all of our camps this summer.

Five Coast2Coast Camps are scheduled starting in mid-June running through early September. The specific dates remain subject to change if the circumstances change.

We recognize that many graduating seniors on all collegiate levels had their seasons cut short with the loss of conference and post-season tournaments. With that came a loss of important exposure opportunities. Significant events such as the Portsmouth Invitational have also been cancelled. Current pro players had seasons cut short impacting their chances to improve their status for next year.

Coast2Coast is all about professional basketball opportunities, and our camps in 2020 will provide hundreds of aspiring pro basketball players a chance to gain valuable exposure and development. Last season, we had over 100 pro coaches, scouts, and agents from 20 different countries at our events, and this year we expect more than ever. As a result of attending our events, over 50 players played professionally this season. We are totally committed to providing an affordable, well-organized, outstanding competitive and developmental basketball experience.

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